Nail and Toe Health
Proper joint and muscle health relies on a strong foundation so we need to start from the ground up, and it all begins with the paws. We want our dogs to move in fluid motion to prevent wear and tear on their bodies. So we need to pay attention to every detail, and even the smallest details count. If you notice excessive licking, chewing, chronic limping, slipping, trouble balancing, and sometimes-unexplained frustration, it could all be related to their paws. Dogs are habitual creatures so these actions may be the result of them trying to communicate with us.

Ways to listen:
We rely on our dogs for the adventure of life, and they rely on their paws to carry them through that path. Let us help make that rocky trail a little bit smoother with healthy foundation to lead the way.
Price: 30.00 plus tax
Call and book today and see the difference that our groomers create
*For our daycare visitors the spawdicure is $25.00 plus tax*
- Does your dog have an excessive amount of hair between toes and pads?
- Are your dogs’ nails touching the ground?
- Making a clicking noise when they walk?
- Is there discolouration on their paw fur from licking?
- Is there fur missing on their paws from being chewed?
- Does your dog lick their joints excessively?
- Do they wince when they scratch behind their ears?
- Does your dogs slip or lose traction on various flooring?
- Are their pads rough, cracked, or raw?
- Is there an odor to their paws?
We rely on our dogs for the adventure of life, and they rely on their paws to carry them through that path. Let us help make that rocky trail a little bit smoother with healthy foundation to lead the way.
Price: 30.00 plus tax
Call and book today and see the difference that our groomers create
*For our daycare visitors the spawdicure is $25.00 plus tax*