Winnipeg’s First and Only Naked Daycare© (2016)
“A Happy Daycare Is A Naked Daycare"© (2016)
Collar Free & Aversive Free
Applying positive principals to daycare management.
Relationships built on trust.
Setting dogs up for success in a non-confrontational manner.
We could list many area's which sets us apart from other daycare's.
Each is highlighted on our homepage in the article written by Nikki Sherwin.
“A Happy Daycare Is A Naked Daycare"© (2016)
Collar Free & Aversive Free
Applying positive principals to daycare management.
Relationships built on trust.
Setting dogs up for success in a non-confrontational manner.
We could list many area's which sets us apart from other daycare's.
Each is highlighted on our homepage in the article written by Nikki Sherwin.